Q. Why should I buy from your site?
A. The reason I started this site is because I see a lot of gadgets online but the amount of different gadgets out there can be overwhelming. Trying to determine which ones are good and which ones are bad are quite daunting. I have personally researched each and everyone to make sure that they are the best that we can find in each category.
Q. Is your
site secure?
A. Yes our site is secure. Our store is supported by Shopify Pay which meets all expected security protocol to keep our customer’s information safe and secure. It is certified level 1 PCI DSS Compliant. Shopify meets all 6 categories of PCI Standards.
· Maintain a Secure Network
· Maintain a Vulnerable Management Program
· Regularly Monitor and Test Networks
· Protect Cardholder Data
· Implement Strong
Access Measure
· Maintain an Information Security Policy
Q. Is the quality of your products any good?
A. The products sold on our website have been researched in regards to past customer’s reviews and independent reviewers. Others have been personally used by one of our members and critiqued. However, what works for others, may not work for you. If you don’t like the quality of your product, or it doesn’t meet your requirements, we will make it right for you.
Q. How much are your shipping charges?
A.Our store, offers free shipping anywhere in the world. So you don’t have to worry about that.
Q. How long would it no
rmally take to get my order?
A.To North America, for most of our product, unless otherwise stated, the shipping time will average about 10 to 20 days.
Q. Who pays for customs charges if there are any.
A. As stated on our policy in terms of our terms of service, customers are responsible for custom and chargers if there are any.
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